please mark your calendars (August 27-August 30, 2009) for this great event in Minneapolis. If you have interest in writing grants to help us fund the trip for all to be able to afford it, let us know. this may be extremely valuable for the growth and sustainability/networking of greasy fixins... please forward this to other folks that may be interested.
(Bike! Bike! is an internaitonal annual conference organized by and for Not-For-Profit bike projects. It takes place in a different city within the United States each year (perhaps it will expand to one of our neighboUrs one day eh?). This year it will be hosted by the Grease Pit in Minneapolis.There will be an assortment of different workshops at Bike! Bike! geared towards helping bike projects better serve their intended communities. There will also be social events to help/encourage projects to netowork. Some things which may (or may not) take place include (but are not by any means limited to): Anti-oppression, Consensus Decision Making, and Working with Kids workshops as well as Spandex Dance Parties, Movies, and Bike Rides.)