Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. loved bicycles. When not fighting for civil rights, the Reverend could be seen enjoying a liesurely ride on his 10-speed or engaged in a riviting match of Bike Polo. Though this little know historical "fact" may be ficticious (he rode a fixed gear) we will be holding a bike repair workshop in his honor.
MONDAY! MONDAY! MONDAY! JANUARY 19th is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We'll be in Building 17 at the Banbury Place starting at 2:30pm. Bring your tools, a friend, and your spirit for service and let's get busy fixin' bikes!
MONDAY! MONDAY! MONDAY! JANUARY 19th is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We'll be in Building 17 at the Banbury Place starting at 2:30pm. Bring your tools, a friend, and your spirit for service and let's get busy fixin' bikes!
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